Podcast Episode 74: Vacation Planning

Throughout this episode, you are going to notice a world of vacation packages that you might have never heard of before. Everything from small trips to massive all-inclusive style trips with camcorders and meals included. The inflation calculator is brought out often so we can get a somewhat accurate comparison to what we have nowadays. We were super curious if one of our listeners would be sitting down with their slide rule and spreadsheets to compare…Read More...

The Good Old Days – 1972 Prices

One of my most recent acquisitions is this 1972 info brochure. It is just a one pager, but full of neat information from many years ago. I love the tagline "The Vacation Kingdom of The World" - I wish they would bring this back, but I wouldn't cross my fingers on that. The front focuses on the ticket pricing, or Adventure Ticket Books as they called them back then. The high rollers could get an 11-Adventure…Read More...