Podcast Episode 91: Contests at Walt Disney World

For our main topic this month, we decided to dig into the always-present and always-sought-after contest connecting to Walt Disney World. If we all think back, I am sure you all have seen, heard of, or attempted to win some sort of contest either at Walt Disney World or at home trying to win a trip to WDW. JT takes the lead on this one and begins with the group telling us about a contest they…Read More...

Enter @RetroWDWs Hidden Kingdom Map Contest

For all of those that donate the Lake Buena Vista Historical Society between now and January 15th, 2019 you'll have a chance to enter our "Hidden Kingdom Contest". Once you have your map, study it hard and then email us a list of as many of the 71 hidden features you can find! In the February 2019 podcast episode we'll pick a winner based on those that sent in the most correct items on the list.…Read More...