Podcast Episode 17: From Vinyl Chairs to Elephants and Hippos

This episode, we spend some time with RJ & Suzanne Ogren. They recently wrote a book about their experiences both working at Walt Disney World. RJ was an artist in the parks responsible for rehabbing and fixing ride fixtures. Suzanne did some work as a character throughout the parks. One cool thing about them: they both were monorail pilots too! We chat with a couple of former cast members who have amazing stories, and wrote a…Read More...

Rare Personal WDW Construction Photos by “Bud” Benedum

Kelly Gallagher, granddaughter of the late Wilbert Charles "Bud" Benedum (pictured to the left) has given us permission to showcase the photos that her grandfather personally took during the construction of WDW. Mr. Benedum was the Chief Engineer of construction for the monorail at the time and he documented the construction of WDW through many wonderful photos. This is just the first photos that Kelly will be sharing with us over the next few weeks.Read More...