Podcast Episode 93: Birnbaum Guides

Welcome to Episode 93 of the RetroWDW Podcast: Birnbaum Guides – We appreciate your support and hope you have been enjoying each and every episode. Be sure to check out some of our previous shows from over the years. We have visited multiple parks, resorts, and just about everything else in between. Listener Mail We open the mailbag monthly and are ready to hear from you. Be sure to reach out with questions, stories, memories, and...Read More...

Podcast Episode 71: Walt Disney World 50th Anniversary Special

Welcome to Episode 71 of the RetroWDW Podcast: The WDW 50th Anniversary Special – We appreciate your support and hope you have been enjoying each and every episode. Be sure to check out some of our previous shows from over the years. We have visited multiple parks, resorts, and just about everything else in between. We hope you stick with us through 2021 as we bring you some great content that will take you back to...Read More...

Adventurers Club Walk-Around: May 28, 1992

The Adventurers Club was a special place for many WDW fans. The combination of a night out, adventure, theater and fun all connected to make a very unique experience. As we have seen over the years, it is probably one of the most missed places from Pleasure Island since the closing. We have seen tributes over the years and throwback drinks, but nothing will take you back like a video. The video we have here is...Read More...

Pleasure Island – May 1992 – New Year’s Eve Countdown

So here we are, just a few days away from New Years and we have a gem for you. This takes us back to 1992, May 28th to be exact. Some say this was the heyday of Pleasure Island where a nightly New Year’s Eve countdown happened and it was just crazy fun. This entire video is roughly six minutes long and features the stage show and buildup to the countdown. Dancers, fireworks, confetti, spotlights –...Read More...

Podcast Episode 35: Christmas Around The World – Part II

Brian takes the lead this month for another amazing round of Christmas Around the World. Part 1 took place way back in 2015 on Episode 14. We discuss the 1978 special in detail this month, which offers up an amazing look at lots of our favorite vintage things at WDW.  We highly recommend you take a look either before or after you listen to this episode.  We go into such great detail about everything from Shields…Read More...

Podcast Episode 16: Walt Hired Me: A Chat with Disney Legend Tom Nabbe

We have a Disney Legend in the studio, his name is Tom Nabbe. We spend over an hour with Tom discussing his start at Disneyland being directly hired by Walt. The insight Tom gives us regarding the construction of Disney World Monorail system, US Steel and of course Roy's Cabin can only be found on this podcast. Tom was amazingly nice and open to discuss anything our retro minds could think of, including the working wave…Read More...

Podcast Episode 9 – Building the Golden Dream

Welcome to Episode 9 of the Retro Disney World Podcast: “Building the Golden Dream” – We appreciate your support and hope you have been enjoying each and every episode. Be sure to check out some of the previous shows. Corrections and Comments We go back and rehash a little bit about the Town Square Cafe and also who the original designer of the Electrical Water Pageant was. Todd has an oddball thought about a Cuttlefish and...Read More...

Podcast Episode 6 – World of Motion: Stubborn Donkey Part II

We continue this month with more World of Motion. Such a large attraction that we needed two episodes just to cover everything. The episode starts off with How discussing the World's First Traffic Jam and we work our way through the second half of the attraction. We learn all sorts of great facts including how they integrated the movie Tron into World of Motion and that you can never have enough speed tunnels. We wrap up…Read More...

Podcast Episode 5 – Stubborn Donkey Part 1

Welcome to Episode 5 of the Retro Disney World Podcast: “Stubborn Donkey” We appreciate your support and hope you have been enjoying each and every episode. Be sure to check out some of the previous shows along with our latest. Thanks for listening!   Introductions The regular crew is all here, Todd, Brian, How & JT are all present and accounted for.  There isn’t much housekeeping this month, mostly because we are just that good, but...Read More...

The Good Old Days – 1972 Prices

One of my most recent acquisitions is this 1972 info brochure. It is just a one pager, but full of neat information from many years ago. I love the tagline "The Vacation Kingdom of The World" - I wish they would bring this back, but I wouldn't cross my fingers on that. The front focuses on the ticket pricing, or Adventure Ticket Books as they called them back then. The high rollers could get an 11-Adventure…Read More...