Restored: EPCOT Center EarthStation Film with Music

Earth Station sat at the exit of Spaceship Earth and was the original home of Guest Relations in EPCOT Center. Guests could use the WorldKey Kiosks located there to make dining reservations and get other park information. The Earth Station film, played on large overhead screens, served as a preview of other EPCOT Center attractions for guests as they began to navigate the park. This version of the video includes the original music loop that accompanied...Read More...

Restored Home Video: EPCOT Center Earth Station Film

Earth Station sat at the exit of Spaceship Earth and was the original home of Guest Relations in EPCOT Center. Guests could use the WorldKey Kiosks located there to make dining reservations and get other park information. The Earth Station film, played on large overhead screens, served as a preview of other EPCOT Center attractions for guests as they began to navigate the park.Read More...

Podcast Episode 27: Tomorrow’s Child – Spaceship Earth

This month, we rejoin at the gates of EPCOT Center, to take a ride on Spaceship Earth. An opening day attraction that has changed a few times but lots of aspects remain the same. EPCOT was an amazing achievement and still is, so join us as we take you back to construction, opening day and the ride itself. Guided by the retro master himself, How goes into great detail taking you through the geodesic sphere.Read More...

EPCOT Center B-Roll Video – Future World 1 of 3

A few months back we took you on a tour of World Showcase using B-Roll footage shot by Disney for use by news agencies and for promotional purposes. Today we return to that videotape moving in to Future World. We begin with aerial shots of circa 1987-era EPCOT Center. We glide over the whole park, then over Spaceship Earth and the Energy Pavilion and then a panorama of World Showcase follows focusing on the American Adventure,…Read More...

Come visit the EPCOT Center of 1982 – RARE 16mm Home Movie restored in HD

It has been awhile since we posted a film restoration and I guess for good reason. I was away on vacation and the entire podcast crew has been busy researching the show and designing our t-shirts and merchandise (If you haven't seen our exclusive original retro designs, check out But there is another reason, and it's a good one...I've been hard at work restoring a pristine 16mm home movie of the early days of EPCOT…Read More...