Disney MGM-Studios Grand Opening Special – Original NBC Broadcast with Commercials and AI Interpolated HD!

We’ve got a special treat for everyone today! To test out our new video and film restoration system we decided to improve upon one of our earlier restorations, specifically the Disney MGM-Studios Grand Opening Special!  We’ve left the commercials in and we utilized our Artificial Intelligence software to produce Interpolated HD. The entire process to get to this quality included 3 hours of VHS tape clean up; 15 hours of HD interpolation, 3 hours of stitching...Read More...

Amazing slides that show a brand new Walt Disney World – October 1971

Another fantastic addition to Brian’s Slide Carousel This set of slides labeled Walt Disney World and dated October 1971 came to us by way of an estate sale in Michigan. Because of the date stamp from Kodak we knew the slides were from Walt Disney World’s first days of operation. Thanks to @Gulopine , we think we’ve narrowed the date down, as he wrote the following to us: “The extreme cloudiness got me wondering. Looking back through...Read More...