RetroMagic 50 Video Release – Part 6 – Bob Gurr

Join us as we ‘Ask Bob Gurr Anything’ at RetroMagic 50. This interview was all driven by questions submitted by our guests to the event. Bob didn’t have much he wouldn’t talk about and it was a fun 30 minutes of chatting with his legend of the Walt Disney Company. The questions were lots of fun to ask and as always, Bob had some amazing things to talk about. As we have always said, Bob will...Read More...

RetroMagic 50 Video Release – Parts 1 & 2

As we approach the two-month anniversary of our biggest event ever, RetroMagic 50, we felt it was time to take a trip back to that amazing weekend in April. Throughout the day, you may have noticed cameras and a number of volunteers scrambling around to document this amazing time we had together. The entire day was captured on multiple cameras and we are so excited to share everything with you here on our website and YouTube...Read More...

Podcast Episode 74.5: RetroMagic 50 Recap

In this short episode, we recap the entire weekend from start to finish: the behind-the-scenes stories, our reactions to how things went, and so much more. If you were able to attend RetroMagic 50, this episode will be a great follow-up to the whirlwind day we all experienced back in April. If you did not make it to RetroMagic this time around, we will be posting up our event videos on our YouTube channel soon. Please…Read More...

Podcast Episode 43.5 – A Chat With Chris Debiec

Welcome to Episode 43.5! We are here tonight to chat with Chris Debiec, who plays a key role in the early days of Disney-MGM Studios.  Todd, Brian & How are in attendance tonight and we start you off with some information about the upcoming Lake & Lagoon tour.  Some information is also revealed about the gift for this upcoming event and also some key information if you would like to meet any of us.  For more...Read More...

Looking Back at Tomorrow: An EPCOT35 Celebration Video

On September 30 2017, RetroWDW hosted Looking Back at Tomorrow – An event celebrating EPCOT Center’s 35th birthday. We filled the Living Seas Salon to capacity, and had we been able to get a larger space we would have loved to have more people attend. However, thanks to Art Miles, we’ve got the entire celebration on video for you to enjoy! Be sure to check out the photo gallery of the event too!   Opening Video...Read More...