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Welcome to Episode 79 of the RetroWDW Podcast: Wonder of Life Part III – We appreciate your support and hope you have been enjoying each and every episode. Be sure to check out some of our previous shows from over the years. We have visited multiple parks, resorts, and just about everything else in between. Thank you so much for joining us for more Wonders of Life. In this episode, we take an in-depth look at Body Wars & Making of Me. We hope you enjoy Part III! For this episode, we are joined by one of our top donors, Dr. Bill. Sitting in on a podcast is a gift you can choose for donating to the Lake Buena Vista Historical Society. This is the perfect episode for Dr. Bill and we utilize his skillset throughout the conversation.
Listener Mail
We open the mailbag monthly and are ready to hear from you. Be sure to reach out with questions, stories, memories, and more. You never know if your letter will be read on a future episode:
- Franklin is first up, writing in on behalf of his dad Bill. Both are big fans and Bill is a former cast member at Walt Disney World. Bill actually painted DC-6 on that building and he also helped build this vintage Fort Wilderness supply truck. This is super cool and we appreciate you guys sharing this with us.
- John wrote us about a smellitizer that was possibly installed or going to be installed inside Living With The Land. We discuss the validity of this story and wonder if this was a thing that is now lost… Do you have any other info on these smellitizers? Let us know!
- Longtime listener Scott wrote us about our request: Were you in a promotional film or book for Walt Disney World? Scott was in a ‘Must-Do’ video, riding by in a Doom Buggy. Scott was aware that they were filming it seems, but he had no idea that this footage would end up on Resort TV. Here is the link to view this footage, 20 seconds in and you will see Scott.
- It’s Time Capsule time again everybody! Jim wrote us about a potential time capsule at The Boardwalk Resort and we dig into this one…. The time capsule search continues!
Main Topic
For our third part discussing Wonders of Life, we have a good one for you this time around. With our expert guest Dr. Bill, we get things started with How leading the way as we jump right into Body Wars. The thing with Body Wars, it sort of lives in the memories of park guests as the sister attraction to Star Tours and is somewhat lost to history. Body Wars takes guests on a journey through the human body, but before we get going, How discusses some of the inspiration that led to this attraction, Innerspace. We go through the entire queue, discussing all the detail, medical or not. This ride was super fun for some and for others they found it uncomfortable due to the human body aspects being larger than life.
We get so much first-hand information from Dr. Bill, as he explains what can be real, what is totally fantasy, and more. This detailed look at Body Wars is like none other and this section is filled with on-ride audio, which is so fun to listen back to.
Finally, we get into Making of Me. Once again, we drop in lots of great attraction audio throughout this walkthrough and lots of Martin Short! How discusses the various points of interest during this portion of the episode. While this attraction might not have been a fan favorite, one you missed as a kid, or maybe you did not even know this was a thing, this is for a Disney version of the birds and the bees. We hope these in-depth looks at these two major attractions helped you remember the days of the Wonders of Life pavilion. Thanks for joining us on this journey!
RetroMagic 50 Updates
Our video releases are slowly trickling out, so we hope you are subscribed and following along on YouTube. Here is a direct link to the playlist for RetroMagic 50. Enjoy!
RetroWDW Film Archive
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Post-Show Fun
- Join us next time for another amazing episode of the RetroWDW Podcast!
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- Check out SpectroRadio for all their WDW music, including Throwback Thursday at 9am.
- Click Here to donate to the Lake Buena Vista Historical Society
- Get your LBVHS Magic Band Skin from Magic Your Band.
You’re correct w an edit being made in the film. There was a few seconds of the lungs segment that was edited out because many were getting motion sick in that part. It’s a very visible edit in the film.