RetroMagic: A 50th Celebration Postponed

Since the conclusion of our RetroMagic 2019 event, we have been discussing our plans to celebrate Walt Disney World’s 50th Anniversary the first weekend of October 2021. An essential benchmark to permitting us to host a 50th Anniversary event is the development of an effective vaccine against COVID-19. As a vaccine becomes closer to reality we discussed whether logistically we COULD host the event we have planned in eleven months and whether or not we were WILLING to host a modified event if things weren’t “back to normal”.

I won’t keep you in suspense: We have decided we were unwilling to host an event that was “less than” the full event and experience we envision.

Rest assured we DO plan to host RetroMagic during the Vacation Kingdom’s 50th year and it’ll be chock full of unique guests, entertainment, and those little surprises the Lake Buena Vista Historical Society is known for.

Let us explain. While a vaccine is likely to come well before our originally planned event — that was just the first benchmark. The second benchmark is the lifting of mask restrictions on Walt Disney World property. While masks are essential to preventing the spread of the disease we do not think they lend themselves to the interviews and interactions we conduct on stage.

It’s important to see (and clearly hear) the reactions and body language of our VIP guests as they tell stories about their role in building and working at Walt Disney World. Masks severely impact both of those key components. The lifting of mask restrictions is likely to be a fair number of months after the distribution of a vaccine begins and will take into consideration how widespread vaccination is and allow a period of time to confirm its efficacy.

We do not believe, based on what we know today and WDW’s understandably cautious behavior, that they will be at that point in October 2021. Delaying our event is a better option than trying to plan it only to have to postpone it.

As the men and women who designed, built, and opened Walt Disney World 50 years ago are in their 70s, 80s, and 90s their health and safety is our first priority. They have to be willing to travel to Florida and be in large group settings. Your own (and our own) health, safety, and comfort with traveling and being in large groups is just as important.

We want to host this event when you can all attend without concern for your safety or comfort.

Please keep yourself safe and healthy until we can all celebrate together. In the near future, we’ve got lots of exciting things planned via our website and live streaming. So please continue to follow and monitor our social media pages for those details.

Thank you so much for your continued interest and support.

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October 27, 2020 6:49 am

You guys will be missed but we fully understand. Being in the parks with the mask is just not the same. Can’t wait till the big event!

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