Einsel Theater: The Age of Information – Complete Video, Song and Lyrics

The Display

Closed in the early 1990s, one area of Communicore West can easily be crowned as the definitive definition of a prophecy that came true. Nestled along a huge wall in Futurecom, this 40-foot kinetic sculpture included fifty-five automaton figures and countless animated devices, props and displays; all timed to react and move in perfect synchrony with the song that shared its name with the display: The Age of Information. Walter Einsel, an American Sculptor and Artist, was commissioned by Disney to bring the Imagineers concepts to life. Known for his illustrative corporate work for Allied Van Lines, Jello and even the creative star behind the Merill Lync bull logo, Walter got to work on this project in his barn, converted to a studio, in Westport, CT.

As a young girl, Walter’s granddaughter Lisa watched him work on nearly a daily basis…drawings, carvings, figures…Soon the models and concepts were shipped to Disney where Imagineers turned the concepts in the full-size working display. EPCOT opened, Walter and family visited to see and admire his work and then, life went on…Communicore closed in early 1994, the Age of Information was dismantled and either archived or destroyed, EPCOT had moved on and Innoventions stormed into the space. Walter passed-on a few years later in 1998, and the majority of his work lay dormant in his studio from that point forward.

Fast forward to 2016 when Lisa returned to the studio after Niaad Einsel, Walter’s wife passed away. Going through years of her grandparents’ unparalleled careers and collection, she pulled the covers back on a treasure trove of his drawings, models, and sketches for the Age of Information as well as a never before seen VHS video of the display. Thinking that someone out there may someday want to see the documents and video she ensured their safety. We’ll be sharing her grandfather’s papers at a later time once we have them all scanned in. 

The Video

Earlier this year we stumbled upon Lisa’s Einsel Theater video on Youtube; we quickly got in touch with her as we knew we could work a little restoration and enhancement magic on the video. She graciously agreed to let us borrow the tape and sat with us for an interview about Walter and the backstory to this amazing display. We will forewarn you; the music is an earworm that will be with you for days!

The Music

While we’ve worked to uncover the backstory of the installation, not the same can be said of the accompanying song. Searches in most music databases and license departments have turned up empty. The catchy tune and unprecedented prediction of the future of smartphones and communication makes you appreciate this song more than you could have back in the early 80s.

Age of Information Lyrics [Author: Tom Tierney]

[male 1]
now mom and dad and junior can own
a new-fangled smart telephone

[female 1]
its amazing all the things it can do

As it brings the world closer to you

[male 1]
you can sit right there in your easy chair
and check the stock report

[female 1]
on a screen at home make plans to roam
to your favorite ski resort

It’ll bring the world closer to you

[male 2]
There’s a wonderful change comin’
a beautiful day dawnin’
a miracle we’re seeing come true

’cause the age of information
is sweeping across the nation
and bringing the world closer to you

[male 1]
it will call the cops on a robber

[female 2]
it will help the kids with their homework

[male 1]
it will hook your home to your office

[male 3]
send your heartbeat clear crosstown

[female chorus]
it will give you all kinds of freedom

[female 2]
Like when you want to go shopping
it will bring the store to your front door

[female chorus]
it’s the handiest thing around

and it brings the world, closer to you
and its making the world better
its making the world smaller
its giving the world something brand new

[male 1]
’cause the age of information
is sweeping across the nation

and bringing the world closer to you

[male 1]
Now the miracles have only begun
In the places where our business gets done

[female 1]
the office of tomorrow will be

[female chorus]
the very model of efficiency

[male chorus]
If you want data,
you’ll get that data

[male 1]
And only the data you need

[male 2]
And the words are movin’
And the mail is movin’

[male chorus]
With electronic speed

[female chorus]
you will talk to two or quite a few
on a teleconference call

[male chorus]
and the chips are sorting

[female chorus]
and the datas moving

[male 3]
on a thread of glass so small

as it brings the world, closer to you

[male 2]
your phone will be a computer

[female 1]
it will make your bank deposits

[male 2]
it will mail your voice like a letter

where it can wait to a later date
to communicate
so we’re making the world better,
we’re making the world smaller
we’re bringing the world something brand new

cause the age of information
is sweeping across the nation
and bringing the world closer to you

[male 1]
and your voice is traveling
and your words are moving
and the wires are humming a song

[female chorus]
and the world is changin’
and the countrys’ changin’

so won’t you come along?
on this wonderous journey
to the information age

there’s a wonderful change comin’
a beautiful day dawnin’
a miracle we’re seeing coming true

cause the age of information
is sweeping across the nation

[male 1]
and bringing the world closer to you

closer to you
closer to you
bringing the world
bringing the world
closer to you

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April 13, 2021 2:36 pm

I’ve just begun doing a more intensive research of Epcot and came across something I had not known about the Einsel Theater. Following through on the search I arrived at this site. I found the info to be very interesting and would like to reference on my website wdwmousing.com.

Thomas Tierney
July 5, 2021 4:09 pm

How interesting to discover this! In 1982 I was asked by AT&T to write this song “Bringing the World Closer to You” for EPCOT’s FutureCom exhibit to accompany the folk sculptor “Age of Information” wall by Walter Einsel. My song played 144 times a day for ten years and featured all the new communication innovations to come. Copyright Thomas Tierney (Music & Lyrics – ASCAP).

February 22, 2024 11:42 am
Reply to  Thomas Tierney

It’s amazing how many things you predicted and became a reality.

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